Welcome To BCS Technology Portal

Quality, Reliability & Service

Solutions Approach

Earned certification to write computer software in the construction, operation and maintenance of nuclear fueled power plants in the continental U. S. per the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Black & Veatch Consulting Engineers.

Earned certifications in Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS) for advanced graphics and advanced report writing.

Breadth of experience allows for the melding of technologies that provides a variety of sound technical solutions across multiple operating platforms.

Mainframe proclivities include mastery of the CICS and the TSO environments, performance measurement and capacity planning, systems level programmimg and application development.

To solve problems wxSmith, wxGlade or wxFormBuilder will produce c++, PHP and python source code.  The resulting GUI is based on open source cross-platform wxWidgets.  Codeblocks compiles the c++ source code while the python code is handled in Visual Studio Code IDE

Gulp is used to automate the workflow by detecting source code changes then compiling CSS and pushing the resulting code with changes to the default web browser dynamically.

Additionally qooxdoo is invoked to transform the tradidional wxWidgets GUI to javascript.

Multiple frameworks are available that include COBOL, FORTRAN, c++, Yii, Django, Lazarus , Java, JavaFX, Blazor, MonoDevelop and Delphi. c++ is the primary language of choice.

Source Code generation is employed on a template design pattern basis. Once the target is identified scripting may commence.

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Brooks Computing Systems, LLC
Quality, Reliability & Service