Mr. Brooks began writing software in the mid seventies. Initially applications were authored in COBOL and FORTRAN.
While serving as a Scientific Engineering Programmer for Black and Veatch Consulting Engineers certifications for construction, maintenance and operation of nuclear fueled power generating facilities was earned per the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
While serving as Technical Programmer for Trans World Airlines Mr. Brooks authored applications which scheduled international flights operated by TWA for a month in advance.
Shortly thereafter Turbo Pascal was the preferred language for software development.
While employed by the Department of Defense certifications were earned in Performance Measurement and Capacity Planning for very large machines (mainframes). Also certifications in Statistical Analysis Systems were earned per the Statistical Analysis Systems Institute in Cary North Carolina. Emphasis was placed on Advanced Report Writing and Advanced Graphics.
Mr. Brooks is considered one of the most popular authors for the Delphi software development platform.
Mr. Brooks is proficient with c++ programming language an the wxWidgets GUI interface that is cross-platform.
Custom source code generators are available for Delphi, Java FX and c++ applications. Grails (java) and yii have excellent source code generators inherent to their products.