Multiple Yii Apps Shared Framework
1. Setup a Shared Yii2 Framework Directory Instead of installing Yii2 for each app separately, create a shared directory: Install Yii2 Framework Once bash CopyEdit mkdir yii2-shared cd yii2-shared composer…
IBM Endeavor
Endevor is IBM’s mainframe source code management (SCM) and version control tool used primarily for managing and automating software development in z/OS environments. It is widely used in large enterprises…
ChatGPT Look and Feel
Here is a full Yii2 widget that encapsulates the functionality of copy, regenerate, and edit controls similar to ChatGPT’s UI. This widget allows you to integrate it anywhere in your…
Yii Multiple Apps
What is YII2? Install Yii2 Basic App Run: bash CopyEdit composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic yii2-sharable cd yii2-sharable Configure MariaDB Connection Edit config/db.php: php CopyEdit return ; 2. Define a Sharable…
Yii Sharable Modules
2. Define a Sharable Model & Migration Instead of relying on pre-existing database tables, use migrations for portability. Create Migration for post Table Run: bash CopyEdit php yii migrate/create create_post_table…
To develop a Fortran program on an HP NonStop system (formerly Tandem), follow these steps: Access the Development Environment: Log in to the HP NonStop system using your credentials. Ensure…
Justin Song – How To Learn
Mr. Arch Brooks, Software Engineer, Brooks Computing Systems, LLC authored this article.
Tandem COBOL
Creating a COBOL program for a Tandem (now HP NonStop) system involves understanding the specific extensions and environment of COBOL85 as implemented on these platforms. Below is a simple example…
AI Tools
To start a chatGPT session click here. To review the first tool click here. To review Pick Axe click here. Third AI Video click here. Mr. Arch Brooks, Software Engineer,…