Upgrade Spyder via Anaconda Navigator
What is Anaconda? The simplest way to upgrade or downgrade Spyder is to use the Anaconda Navigator. Invoke the following command to install Anaconda in the Archlinux environment. To install…
What is Anaconda? The simplest way to upgrade or downgrade Spyder is to use the Anaconda Navigator. Invoke the following command to install Anaconda in the Archlinux environment. To install…
A primary advantage to using the Anaconda stack for developing Python application is the ease in which the entire stack may be updated. When successfully installed the following script may…
Anaconda is the preferred approach for Python development on the Linux platform. To install Anaconda visit the web site and download the latest version. Click here for the Linux download.…
There are those times when the Anaconda (Spyder) installation needs to be updated. Click on the start button and invoke the Anaconda command prompt. Next type in “conda update anaconda”…
To keep your Anaconda (python) up to date use these commands. Answer Yes and All to any prompts and let the system provide the update. To remove tars and packages…