Security Best Practices
Security best practices help protect systems, data, and networks from unauthorized access and attacks. Here are key best practices across different domains: General Security Best Practices Least Privilege Principle –…
Security best practices help protect systems, data, and networks from unauthorized access and attacks. Here are key best practices across different domains: General Security Best Practices Least Privilege Principle –…
Primary Dialog Primary Option Menu Edit Link Categories Pop Up Menu Link Pop Up Menu Our primary workbench is depicted below. This tool stores links (for web pages and executable…
Mainframe computing has evolved over the years. Now many of the huge operating environments will function on a 64 bit inexpensive computing platform. To learn more about mainframe computing please…
Mr. Arch Brooks has authored computer software across five decades. For a current resume click here. To review the LinkedIn profile for Mr. Brooks click here. Several methodologies are employed…
There are those times when it is necessary to unload a partitioned data set. The unloaded PDS can the be used in a subsequent restore. I prefer to use in…
There are those time when a different cataloged procedure is required that does not have an entry in the linklist or the proclib concatenation for your mainframe account on Z/OS.…
It would be nice to dynamically allocate and free the files need for applications via COBOL. This article describes how a subroutine may be used to accomplish such a feat.…
There are those time when a KSDS (key sequenced data set) using the VSAM (virtual sequential access method) fits the users requirements. The following example explains how such a feat…
We maintain Z/OS mainframe accounts which allows us to maintain continuity with state of the art operating environments. Mr. Arch Brooks, Software Engineer, Brooks Computing Systems, LLC authored this article.
There are those times when parameters are useful to provide solution to automation tasks. This program takes a string of parameters delimited by a specific character and parses each parameter…