BCS Create Debian Package From Source Code
When you need to create a Debian package from source code these steps may be of assistance. The first step would be to ensure the checkinstall package in on your…
BCS Debian Failures
I wanted to install the XFCE desktop so I downloaded Debian XFCE loaded it on a usb and proceeded to install it. The WIFI was not detected nor configured. Several…
BCS c++ Console Menu System
This c++ application displays a menu, accepts selected option and executes the associated executable or script. The source code in included below. This application offers some relief from pounding the…
BCS wxWidgets Package Build And Install
Of all available c++ GUI’s wxWidgets is the standard for Brooks Computing Systems GUI’s. The provided packages were incompatible with the level of c++ I currently use so all the…
BCS Missing Header Files
There are those occasions when building libraries from source code that s specif header goes missing. It is handy to have a mechanism to determine where the missing header resides.…
BCS New Mint Version
A new version of Mint may be desired. Here is a blueprint for the new installation. After installing the virgin layer install the WaterFox web browser. Please follow this link…
BCS Install LAMP Stack on Mint Ubuntu
First install the Apache web server by issuing the following command. Install the latest version of PhP by issuing the following command. The latest version of PhP will be installed.…
BCS WaterFox Browser of Choice
FireFox has exhausted my patience. The discontinuance of tools that makes my programming job easier, their willingness to install plugins without permission, selling my information as well as unbridled advertising…
BCS Install Unreal Engine 4 on Linux Mint
This article explains an installation process for the Unreal Engine after the source code is downloaded to its target location. The first script to execute is Setup.sh. As the name…