Multiple Yii Apps Shared Framework
1. Setup a Shared Yii2 Framework Directory Instead of installing Yii2 for each app separately, create a shared directory: Install Yii2 Framework Once bash CopyEdit mkdir yii2-shared cd yii2-shared composer…
1. Setup a Shared Yii2 Framework Directory Instead of installing Yii2 for each app separately, create a shared directory: Install Yii2 Framework Once bash CopyEdit mkdir yii2-shared cd yii2-shared composer…
Here is a full Yii2 widget that encapsulates the functionality of copy, regenerate, and edit controls similar to ChatGPT’s UI. This widget allows you to integrate it anywhere in your…
What is YII2? Install Yii2 Basic App Run: bash CopyEdit composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic yii2-sharable cd yii2-sharable Configure MariaDB Connection Edit config/db.php: php CopyEdit return ; 2. Define a Sharable…
2. Define a Sharable Model & Migration Instead of relying on pre-existing database tables, use migrations for portability. Create Migration for post Table Run: bash CopyEdit php yii migrate/create create_post_table…
To add a new application (app1) to your existing Yii2 Basic template installation on your web server, you can organize your setup using a modular structure or by creating a…
Creating a Master-Detail setup in MariaDB/MySQL using Yii2 (Basic Template) involves several steps. Here’s a guide to set it up: 1. Database Schema Master Table For example, orders: sql Copy…
To install multiple Yii2 applications sharing a single codebase on an Ubuntu server, you can set up a common Yii2 core and have multiple applications (e.g., frontend, backend, APIs, etc.)…
To create a Yii2 project, follow these steps: Install Composer (if not already installed): bash Copy code curl -sS | php mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer Create a Yii2 project using…
Creating a virtual host for Yii2 Advanced Template involves configuring your web server (such as Apache or Nginx) to recognize and handle requests for your Yii2 application. Below, I’ll provide…
The Apache configuration file may be located by issuing the following commands. Output from executing the commands is: The unmodified configuration file is listed below. Add the lines for the…