BCS Delphi XE8 Clone A Record Code Generator

This code snippet will generate the source code needed to clone a new record in a data table from an existing record. [codesyntax lang=”delphi”] procedure TBCSResumedm.car(ta: TUniTable); var i: Integer; buf: String; sc: TStringList; begin sc := TStringList.Create; sc.Add(‘ InsertRecord ‘ + ta.Name +'([‘); i := 0; repeat buf := ‘ ‘ + ta.Name + […]

BCS Delphi XE8 Database Navigation

There are those time when you will need to traverse databases to attain the desired information. The BCS Delphi XE8 Database Navigation tool will allow you to traverse to your hearts content. [codesyntax lang=”delphi”] {*—————————————————————————– Procedure: DBPos Author: Mr. Arch Brooks, Software Engineer, Brooks Computing Systems LLC Date: 19-Aug-2015 @Param dbn: TDBNavigator; sfn: String @Return […]

BCS Delphi XE8 Task Application Styles

This application allows the user to track and report tasks.  Elapsed times between the start and finished time are calculated automatically. To handle date and time data entry the BCS Get Date Time component is used.  This component must be installed to use this utility. Click here to view the component documentation. A 32 bit […]

BCS Delphi XE8 Program Tracker

During periods of high activity the technician can become overwhelmed with the pace and sheer volume of  programming and task requests.  The BCS Delphi XE8 Program Tracker offers relief for this level of tedium. A MySQL database with the name of “dpt” minus quotes must exist.  Simply import the “dpt.sql” into your installations MySQL platform. […]

BCS Delphi Cookbook Examples Repository

This application allows the programer to stay organized when working with the examples for the Delphi Cookbook. The first task is to identify where the project code resides. When the user double clicks on the project the compiler is invoked. From there the technician can create the associated executable. When the user clicks on any […]

BCS Delphi XE8 Task List Manager

There are those time when the programmer needs to manage task in standard operation. The BCS Select Date And Time Component is required for this software.  Review the specification by clicking here. The component documentation can be found by clicking here. The source code may be found by clicking here. Mr. Arch Brooks, Software Engineer, […]

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