BCS Load Text File Into wxArrayString

Sometimes a function is needed to load the contents of a text file into a wxArrayString.  The following code snippet accomplishes the desired task. [codesyntax lang=”cpp”] void srcColFrame::loadSC(string fs, wxArrayString sc, int ix) { ifstream ips; ips.open(fs); string line; while (getline (ips, line)) { fsp[ix].coll.Add(line); //sc.Add(line); } } [/codesyntax] The input file is processed line […]

BCS Application Development

When developing computer software a mechanism needs to be available to trace / document applications. The above dialog allows for documenting of applications under development.  The contents of the dialog are stored in a MySQL database. Typically the release executable is the target for this application but it also handles any debug application within the […]

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